I found technorati,I hope it's worked

By Kuristosu Dei
Today,at the moment,I found technorati.A new system to increase my blog traffic.yes,I hope it was worked.then I must say thank you to google that said me this link.hehe.here is technorati,u can find it by open this link,try to learn it:Technorati Profile

I use my adsense to advertise.so it was important to got better traffic than yesterday.so I could earn dollars to pay my college bills.hihi,I learn that life is difficult.sometimes,I must earn my school bills to got better future..thanks everyone..

Traffic,yes I need it

By Kuristosu Dei
this is from http://freetraffictip.com/,I think it was possible to increase my traffic,even I am still new.

here it is.
How to Get Free Traffic

Updated 08.27.07
The original name of this site was “Free Traffic Tips”. Sometimes there was a free tip about how to get free traffic, sometimes the traffic tip itself was free but the traffic wasn’t, and then there were the times when the tip wasn’t free, because of the time and research it took for me to put the information together. But if you were able to understand the traffic method, you’d have yet another source of free traffic forever.

In between all that, we’d have news about Yahoo, Google, and anything that had to do with getting free traffic from search engines.

Some things changed, but the main thrust of this site remains the same - I still do an on-going series called Free Traffic Methods, where I ask you what you want to learn about, and do series on each of the dozens of basic levels for finding free traffic online. If you’re here trying to get free traffic to your site, start there are you’ll find links to hundreds of pages of mini-guides and articles about free traffic. After the first page, they are in no particular order.

In the three years since these resources have existed, here and at other sites, there’s been an evolution. I’ve listened to you and found out that more of you wanted tips about all types of traffic, not just free, and that you wanted step by step methods. I also realized that since I wasn’t specifically targeting internet marketers, but regular people who were bringing their offline businesses online, I needed to have even more resources to show you how to get better results for non-internet-marketing sites, but still keep them useful for internet marketers, particularly those who market to a micro-niche.

So now, there’s Traffic Reality, a spin-off membership site we’re in the process of regenerating, that you can go to in order to get more of my tips that are too juicy to share in public. I’ve also added products and services to help the busy entrepreneur get done in a few hours, days or weeks that you may stumble around for months trying to figure out on your how.

Free Traffic Tips will always be here, but like anything else, it will grow up, change and evolve. You’re welcome to participate in this change by leaving your comments - just stay on topic and please leave a link to your site.

You know Chrystal Liu Yi Fei?

By Kuristosu Dei
Even I am in indonesia country,I can't leave chinese entertainment such as film,cause I like cute chinese actress,for example is Liu Yi Fei.so cute,^^here is her video together with Jimmy Lin

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Chatting in internet

By Kuristosu Dei
Hello all...^__^,how are u today?I am fine.thanks.by the way.Would u all like chatting?yes,chatting in internet.I like it so much.Day by day I could not leave this behavior.u like it too?then why u don't recognize me in #kalvari,#bethany,#katolik,or kristen forum?hehe,all room that I mention above was from irc.dal.net,I like chat very much.from MlRC,I got so many friends,and now I got my hunny too,hihihi,sure it was fun.but don't waste your time too much in chat,because study and working time is more important than it,of course,dude..hehehe.

By the way,I don't like abusing in chat,heheh,fine in chat.respect others and don't trying to forcing someone so he/she got angry soon.so we had rules in chat.that's fair enough.^^

this articles is from wikipedia.org
Online chat can refer to any kind of communication over Internet, but is primarily meant to refer to direct one-on-one chat or text-based group chat (formally also known as synchronous conferencing), using tools such as instant messaging applications—computer programs, Internet Relay Chat, talkers and possibly MUDs, MUCKs, MUSHes and MOOes.

While many of the Internet's well-known services offer online chat and messaging services for free, an increasing number of providers are beginning to show strong revenue streams from for-pay services. Again it is the adult service providers, profiting from the advent of reliable and high-speed broadband, (notably across Eastern Europe) who are at the forefront of the for-pay online chat revolution.

For every business traveller engaging in a video call or conference call rather than braving the check-in queue, there are countless web users replacing traditional conversational means with online chat and messaging. Like email, which has reduced the need for and usage of letters, faxes, and memos, online chat is steadily replacing telephony as the means of office and home communication. The early adopters in these areas are undoubtedly teenage users of instant messaging. It might not be long before SMS text messaging usage declines as mobile handsets provide the technology for online chat.

let's chat and have some fun !